Readers’ of Civil Times and America’s Civil War recently lost their subscriptions when those magazines folded. We are inviting them, and ALL Civil War buffs, to take advantage of special reduced-price one and two year subscriptions to North & South.
This offer will expire March 31, 2025.
One-year subscription:
Six 100-page issues $49.99 – CLICK HERE
Two-year subscription:
Twelve 100-page issues $89.99 – CLICK HERE
“North & South is available in either print or digital form.”
Please click below to visit one of the following:
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“North & South stands head and shoulders above all other magazines of the genre. There is no comparison.”
“North & South is an outstanding source of information on the Civil War, and an invaluable acquisition for anyone interested in the war.”
Pulitzer prize-winning author of Battle Cry of Freedom and past-president of the American Historical Association
James M. McPherson
“Truly impressive . . . combines all that is best in Civil War publishing,”
Author of Jefferson Davis and His Generals
Steven Woodworth
“Ho hum, I thought, another magazine. But then I saw it, and it’s the best I ever saw. Fabulous!”
Tom Sullivan, Connecticut
“If you read only one Civil War magazine, make it North & South.”
Paul Nixon, Los Angeles
“Fantastic. I learned more from your pages in one year, than 25 years of the others.”
John Gorto, Ishpeming, MI
“I have been reading Civil War magazines for many years . . . I find North & South [to be] the best . . . ever.”
Jean Andra, Logan, Utah
“What I like is that you are interested in history, not the propaganda of North or South.”
Ken White, Dallas, TX
“There never was a Civil War magazine like this.”
Matt Boyd, Austin, TX
North & South magazine is widely regarded as the best Civil War magazine ever published. Packed with ground-breaking analysis and discussion by a veritable who’s who of leading historians, its feature articles alone are the equivalent of more than 500 condensed books covering every aspect of the Civil War—causes of the war, secession, politics, strategy and tactics, battles and generals, weapons, economics, irregular warfare, the home front, military intelligence, etc., etc.
Whatever facet of the war you are looking for—from Confederate school books to early attempts at biological warfare to wartime journalism to the role of the churches in secession—it can be found in the pages of North & South.
“What I like is that you are interested in history, not in propaganda of either North or South.”
Ken White, Dallas, TX

“Series I is an outstanding source of information on the Civil War, and an invaluable acquisition for anyone interested in the war.”
James M. McPherson, Pulitzer prize-winning author of Battle Cry of Freedom and past-president of the American Historical Association
North & South is dedicated to the proposition that popular history need be neither trivial nor inaccurate. Appearing six times a year, each issue is packed with ground-breaking analysis and discussion by a veritable who’s who of top historians, covering every facet of the Civil War—causes, secession, strategy and tactics, battles and leaders, politics, weapons, economics, irregular warfare, the home front, military intelligence, and more . . .
Starting in May 2019 series II issues also have an additional, five-year mission, to arrive via its articles at a definitive view (so far as is possible!) of each of the major controversies concerning the Civil War, together with clear statements of contrary views. These will form the major part of an overview of the Civil War, to be published in book form in 2028-2029.
“CLICK HERE for Sample Issue.”
This issue was fantastic! I read every feature article and loved them all. To boot, there are eight major articles, all with exceptional content, photos, and/or maps—it is just incredible! The range of topics you covered was amazing. I was fascinated by the articles on the Sam Gaty incident and Cuvier Grover’s brigade at Second Bull Run, the conclusion of the Cedar Mountain article, the heavily researched article on McClellan and the lost order, Diane Smith’s research process on her book re conflicts within the Union command during the Overland Campaign, the one on Kentucky’s peculiar institution, the one on the Copperhead publication, and last but not least that on the Battle of Fair Oaks. I honestly don’t know how you’re going to keep up the level of quality, but hats off to you!
Curtis Thomasco
Kingston, IL
Each issue of North & South is packed with ground-breaking historical analysis and commentary. In addition to the articles plus the regular features: Knapsack (a potpourri of fascinating Civil War facts, Civil Warriors (a look at little known participants in the war: soldiers and civilians, women and men, black and white, slave and free), Briefings (book reviews), and Crossfire (a lively exchange of readers’ letters).